Report mark irregularities in the thesis of Jorge Glas

Genove Gneco
, former coordinator of the Digital Review for the Graduation Thesis of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) came to the conclusion that there is “evidence of plagiarism by 35% of its content” in the thesis of the former Strategic Sectors Minister, Jorge Glas.
Gneco is an expert in the use of tools to detect and correct plagiarism and the lack of quotes, and is known in his country, Dominican Republic, for denouncing the alleged plagiarism of the thesis of the current president, Danilo Medina, and three senior officials of his party. Thus the University of Santo Domingo suspended him from office for overstepping his boundaries.
When Gneco learned about the case Glas, he decided to apply his analysis on his own, he said that “I took the information from the direction of Espol, due to my academic concern and carried out the proper review to contribute so that truth prevail,” said Gneco in a telephone interview with the newspaper El Universo. He added that of the 162 pages of the thesis “Implementación de una Red de última milla inalámbrica de transmisión de datos a nivel nacional para servicios portadores,” 50 pages show evidence of plagiarism, which represents 35% of the grade.