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Schedule of the match Bolivia vs. Ecuador
Posted On 11 Oct 2016

With a renewed mentality after the recent 5-0 against Brazil, Bolivia will seek Tuesday to assert its home court in the match against Ecuador, led by its former coach Gustavo Quinteros, in a match for the tenth round of the South American Qualifiers for the Russia 2018 World Cup.
The match will start at 15:00 of Ecuadorian time (16:00 La Paz / 20:00 GMT) and will be broadcast by TC Mi Canal, Gama and Oromar.
The huge stumbling block before the five times champion world was left behind, according to striker Rodrigo Vargas, who claimed that the team of Argentine Guillermo Angel Hoyos “is stronger, more strengthened in this moment of adversity.” He also promised that “the team will play with its heart.”
Likeminded, but with a different mood, because it comes from beating Chile 3-0, Ecuador wants to “get a good result” to continue climbing in the rankings, according to coach Gustavo Quinteros, an Argentine nationalized Bolivian, former helmsman of the Green team.
Quinteros´team has been undermined by three casualties, including Felipe Caicedo, one of the leading figures of the team, who has scored five goals, one of those in the victory against Chile.
Source: http://www.eluniverso.