Shrimp is dragged by a massive bacteria attack
“The outlook is disappointing in larval laboratories of Santa Elena, the main suppliers of nauplii and larvae. If this inconvenience continues, there will be a shortage of larvae in the future, hence less production of shrimp for export,” said the ‘Shrimpers of Ecuador and the World’ group a few days ago. Today that’s no longer a secret.
Undergoing an unusual pressure due to high demand for larvae, specialized laboratories (key to the development of the country’s second commodity after bananas) suffer from a massive vibrio attack.
The Association of Aquaculturists of Guayas recommends alerting all instances about the “delicate situation the industry is going through and the importance of following the established norms and promoting good practices in all processes of the chain.”
Another recommendation is to make an immediate census to know the exact number of larvae laboratories in the country. (I)