A shipment of 17 tons of organic coffee grown in the Amazonian province of Zamora Chinchipe was exported to Italy.
Ecuador exported a shipment of 250 69-kilo bags of Amazonian Arabica coffee, with
organic certification, to Italy, the Phyto and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) reported on December 21, 2023.
These are 17 tons of coffee with a certification of good agricultural practices and mention of free deforestation that was exported to Italy in coordination with the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock, the Environment and Agroquality.
Some 393 small producers in the Amazonian province of Zamora Chinchipe, in southern Ecuador, grew this coffee and were able to export it.
The farmers are part of the Artisanal Agricultural Association of Organic Producers Cuencas del Río Mayo (ACRM), the Agroartisanal Association of Organic Producers of Palanda and Chinchipe (Apecap) and other organizations of the Regional Federation of Associations of Small Organic Coffee Growers of the South (Fapecafes ).
The export of this Ecuadorian coffee was also carried out with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), through PROAmazonía.
“This sale represents the opening of new markets for our products,”
said the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Danilo Palacios.
And he added that producers sold in this market with a preferential record price of USD 4 per pound of coffee.
Palacios also highlighted that it is a coffee produced with good agricultural practices and in areas where it is not necessary to deforest to produce and obtain quality organic coffee. Hence, for these efforts, European markets pay a better price.