Taking ‘patriotic decision’ asks Lenín Moreno to José Serrano
The meeting of President Lenín Moreno, held yesterday with the Alianza PAIS bloc, unleashed the Assembly, which for eight days was looking for ways to bring the full to its owner, José Serrano, and prosecutor Carlos Baca, to explain on the content of a telephone dialogue with former Comptroller Carlos Pólit.
The meeting was held after the failed attempt of the Assembly, on Tuesday night, to approve a resolution proposed by the Christian Socialist bloc, which more than the appearance of Serrano and Baca, suggested to the full resolution on the dismissal of the first and the political judgment to the second.
Until the morning of yesterday, the Alianza PAIS block questioned the inclusion of a text to the resolution, because for some that was not part of an agreement with the Social Christians, as Marcia Arregui (of Alianza PAIS) said, or with that text the Assembly would be ‘prevaricating’, as its co-official Daniel Mendoza said.
The lack of definition motivated President Moreno to convene his bloc to Carondelet , and after two hours of meeting the legislators of that bloc left for the Assembly and gave way to the Christian-Christian approach, which received the unanimous support of 112 legislators present, including the vote of José Serrano.
The Secretariat of Communication ( Secom ), through a press bulletin, revealed part of the dialogue with the assembly members.
When referring to the case of the audios, Moreno assured that Serrano committed an error, and that “when one makes a mistake, he must face the consequences and under no circumstances drag any institution with him. I understand that that is the position of the partner. ”
He added, according to the bulletin, that Serrano requested to defend himself and that “he will then take the decision, which I am sure will be a patriotic decision, that does not compromise the institution, the Assembly, and commits to a movement such as Alianza PAIS.”
José Serrano explained that the appearance was given because the country needs an answer and that the truth be told.
And he announced that in the Friday session he will be excused from participating as president.
Roberto Gómez (CREO) warned that Serrano will tell the plenary the same thing that he has already pointed out in social networks; therefore, there is not much to hope for, therefore, he considered that “José Serrano’s fate is cast”.
Gabriela Rivadeneira, of the self-styled Alfarista Revolution , akin to Rafael Correa, said that after the appearance a decision will have to be made because after what was published by the prosecutor Baca, “it seems inconsistent for a president of a State function to continue directing clarify everything. ”
Vicente Taiano (PSC) said that Serrano’s arguments should be heard and then apply sanctions; but that so far it is uncertain that the 112 votes that gave way to the motion of his political group will be repeated. (I)
We are going to wait for the appearance and on that the bench will be pronounced, but have it for sure that we do not cling to any position, here we are defending the institutionality.
José Serrano, president of the Assembly
In view of the shameful actions of the head of the Assembly and the Office of the Prosecutor, it can not be thought that nothing will happen here; nor can it be the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.]
Henry Cucalón, Assemblyman PSC