Tame plans to increase passengers to Galápagos by 80%
According to the strategic plan 2018 of Tame EP, the airline plans to transport 247,457 passengers to the archipelago, which means an increase of 80% compared to 2017. This was announced by Octavio Pérez, general manager of the company, when he spoke about the plans for the next four years in a meeting with the media in Puerto Ayora.
To achieve the objectives, Tame reported that since December 2017 the Quito-Baltra route was implemented in direct flight, which will run three days a week (Monday, Friday and Sunday). For Pérez, the 80% increase in passengers is a major challenge, and he said that it will be achieved in June of this year once they have 100% of the fleet operational.
He said that Tame will operate with all permits granted (25) to fly to the archipelago, considered one of the most important tourist destinations in the world. The manager said that Tame is Ecuador’s flagship airline, which guarantees the connectivity of 12 domestic destinations, and 5 international destinations.
The executive said that the processes to achieve the goals are already being implemented in terms of renewing the fleet, the market and human talent. Regarding the fleet, said that Tame has three families of aircraft, but seek to have only two. “We are already in conversation with the manufacturers, in March we will define the ideal fleet. We have 13 airplanes, two we are going to return and we will stay with 11 “.
In the same way, he reported important advances, such as punctuality. “We went up from 84% to 89% and will seek to increase more.” By 2018, we also seek to increase the profitability of the company by 29%, through efficiency in the departments, and the reduction of costs to 30%, to comparable levels in the industry.
The event was also attended by Édison Garzón, president of EMCO EP. “We have implemented a new management model in the public sector and Tame takes off with excellent results, within the business improvement plan. (I)