The Alvarado obtained doubtful PhD University that does not give that title

Fernando and Vinicio Alvarado
The family doctoral thesis of the brothers Vinicio and Fernando Alvarado Espinel, is worthy of being recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, because four Ecuadorian family members Alvarado-Espinel received simultaneously doctorate in Social Communication Sciences, with the same thesis, in the National University of Loja (UNL). However, a spokesman of the academic institution told Banana Leaks that the highest title offered in their story is only mastership.
Additionally, the familiar thesis plagiarized the Spanish philosopher Fernando Savater, known as “the philosopher of ethics.” Now the brothers Fernando and Vinicio Alvarado, current ministers of state portfolios of Public Administration and Communication, obtained his doctorate with a thesis entitled “La Radio Ondas Quevedeñas en el Desarrollo Formativo de la Niñez de la Ciudad de Quevedo.” That radio station is owned by the two senior officials and its parents Humberto Alfonso Alvarado (deceased) and mother Daysi Espinel, current Ambassador of Ecuador in Costa Rica.
The doctoral career of the four family members was carried out in Guayaquil, between 1998 and 2000. However, the thesis that earned them their title was submitted and accepted in 2005. It is noteworthy that in the regime of President Correa there were two cases of ideological falsehoods, fake degrees and plagiarized thesis. As with Pedro Delgado, cousin of the President who resigned from the Central Bank of Ecuador and Trust No more impunity. Another case worth of mention is the one of Jorge Glas Espinel, now a presidential candidate with Rafael Correa.