The attention of drug addiction is a priority for the applicants to the Mayor’s Office of Guayaquil

The road map on how they will finally achieve what they propose in the work plans is the undeveloped edge in the campaign proposals that the 17 candidates for the Mayor of Guayaquil delivered to the National Electoral Council (CNE).
Six of the 17 documents include contextual information available on the Internet about the location of the city, number of inhabitants, administrative division, among other aspects.
The most recurrent themes in the plans are citizen security and the problem of drug addictions. Thirteen of the 17 aspirants to the Armchair of Olmedo are planning to create rehabilitation clinics to treat addictions. And only one promises to evaluate the current municipal management.
A more friendly Metropolitan Police with other roles is the proposal of five of the applicants, while six propose the development of bikeways or encourage ecological mobility.
According to art. 97 of the Code of Democracy, all candidates for prefects, mayors, councilors and members of the Parochial Boards have the obligation to submit their plans with the registration form. Here a summary of these proposals.
Summary of the 17 work plans
Candidates are by list order.
Jimmy Jairala

Candidate of the Democratic Center movement (CD), list 1.
“The old model did what he could. But its time is over, “says the work plan that this candidate presented to the National Electoral Council.
He proposes the creation of the Directorate of Citizen Security and neighborhood committees as part of what he calls the citizen guardian system and the installation of more cameras.
In addition, it raises the creation of a district of the arts and municipal schools of arts and crafts.
It proposes tax incentives to companies that sponsor new ventures and feasibility studies for the first line of the air metro.
Like an ecological transport system that has air conditioning and connect the city with Durán, Daule and Samborondón.
In the aspect of transit is the progressive pedestrianization of the avenue 9 de Octubre and the reduction of the fines of the Municipal Transit Authority.
Indicates that a previous “deep assessment of management” will be executed, including corporations and foundations.
Martha Macías

Candidate of the Patriotic Society Party (PSP), list 3.
Her work plan has three axes. The first is family, work and health and includes the construction of a clinic for detoxification of people with addictions and the creation of community kitchens that will offer the three meals of the day in three districts of the city addressed to the “vulnerable people”.
The second axis is security and transport. Provide the Metropolitan Police with security in schools and colleges to prevent the issue of drugs, among other aspects.
Her proposal contemplates to extend the frequencies of the service of the Metrovía during the 24 hours of the day. It will also ask the Municipal Transit Authority for a report to quantify what corresponds to the fines, which it will freeze, according to the plan.
The third is based on the environment and the academy. The idea is that students of last level make links with the community in areas such as environmental engineering, sociology, etc. It will also expand the fairs to sellers “badly called informal,” she says.
Jorge Villacreses

Candidate of the United Ecuadorian movement, list 4.
In the area of security, a drone squad is set up to detect the eventualities and the installation of facial recognition cameras, which will require a database with the profiles of the inhabitants to follow up on those who have a criminal record, he says.
In addition, the placement of 50,000 LED lamps in dark areas of the city. The surroundings of the schools and colleges will be declared as safe zones, by means of ordinance, and it proposes to make censuses of the sellers. The creation of rehabilitation clinics for addictions and neighborhood nurseries are among their social proposals.
In the environmental field it indicates that it will measure the pollution of the Salado estuary and plant trees to reach 15 m² of green space per inhabitant.
It is planned that the Council session will be broadcast on open television and also talks with the media once a week.
Cynthia Viteri

Candidate of the Partido Social Cristiano and the Madero De Guerrero movement, list 6.
“The production of the plan is a product of the participative action historically accumulated these 18 years” -in reference to the administration of the current mayor Jaime Nebot-, indicates the work project of Viteri.
She adds that urban regeneration covers more sectors and the strengthening of public services of drinking water and sewerage, among others, prioritizing the northwest of the city and rural areas.
In mobility, the mass transport system will be extended with the trunk of the suburb plus an alternative one, such as the Aerovía. In the social field, it raises the program ‘For a future without drugs’, which will serve families with drug dependency with the construction of care centers and coordination with the entities involved.
Her proposal includes improving the services of the current administration. For example, plans the implementation of an operating room to perform outpatient surgeries in arthroscopy.
And as a complement to the Plan Más Salud a mobile application will be enabled to access the consultations.
Gino Cornejo

Candidate of the Adelante Ecuatoriano Adelante movement, list 7.
A cooperation agreement between the Police, the Armed Forces and the Municipality is what it raises in the security issue. Plus the placement of community alarms and an application to report emergencies in real time.
Courts with instructors, to prevent drug use among young people, as well as the creation of district rehabilitation clinics.
And for their reinsertion, the municipal contractors must incorporate them as labor according to the training that each one has.
In mobility, it undertakes to increase the number of units of the Metrovía with air conditioning, the reduction of fines (does not specify how much) of transit and the elimination of parking meters, whose control will be associated with registered and uniformed caretakers.
In addition, the creation of ‘TimesQUIL’, a system of animation and light advertising on the boulevard 9 de Octubre and other areas.
Juan Bermúdez

Candidate of the Freedom movement is Pueblo, list 9.
In safety he raises the plan ‘Bronson’, which consists of working with national authorities, police, traffic, among others, and intervening in problems such as selling and using drugs or getting a correct delivery of basic services, etc.
The ‘Zero Tolerance’ plan focuses on three aspects: focus attention on the faults and contraventions that affect the quality of life; work in communities to reduce faults and evaluate risks.
He emphasizes the importance of tax reductions and even lower traffic fines of the ATM by up to 70% and “the extension of the digital platform for technological control of the city and traffic, which must be tied with the ECU-911” .
The housing plan is based on the delivery of “sufficient land spaces for its growth, and not plots of 6 by 8”; also contemplates tree planting.
He even proposes the implementation of a different water tariff in the marginal sectors of the city.
Balerio Estacio

Candidate of the Fuerza Ecuador Party (FE), list 10.
In the update of the development plan of the city plans to promote vertical growth, indicates in his work plan that includes verses from the Bible.
Improving water quality and buying selected garbage is also among their proposals.
In tourism it proposes to train taxi drivers, hotel employees and young people in the English language. The document stresses that it will respect “all contracts and commitments of the current administration”.
It foresees to set a tariff for the water consumption of $ 3, $ 4 and $ 5 for those who earn the basic salary and those who “do not have a fixed salary but survive on eventual income and consume up to a maximum of 40 tanks per month, that is, 8 cubic meters “.
The installation of an aerial meter and a ferry as axes of new development poles in what he calls the metropolitan region is another of his proposals.
Ensures that it will freeze property taxes and will not create new taxes, according to the 36-page plan.
Carlos Cassanello

Candidate of the Social Justice movement, list 11.
In his work plan, which consists of thirteen pages, he makes proposals on security, economy, mobility and connectivity issues.
In the first one, it aims to census informal traders and train them in citizen security.
In addition, it proposes that the Metropolitan Police custody schools to prevent the sale of drugs.
In the economic aspect, it mentions the “family basket”, for a maximum value of $ 20, which will contain grains, pasta, canned goods, personal hygiene products and for the home.
It intends to restructure the Municipal Transit Authority; reduce traffic fines; redesign the public transport routes and make improvements in the service such as the installation of air conditioning; municipal public docks to encourage river mobility; “Beaches and buildings of public non-profit parking lots in different parts of the city”.
He also proposes to increase the free internet points.
José Inca

Candidate of the Democratic Left Party, list 12.
A simplification of the procedure for the delivery of function permits with the support of municipal staff points to the 24-page plan. He adds that he will give amnesty to the new premises for the payment of property taxes and signs for two years.
He proposes that “all business work 24 hours a day … with guarantees and care” and that vacant lots are rented by the Municipality and equipped with public services so that the independent traders attend to the buyer.
He even raises the creation of autonomous markets, that is, that these places are sold to traders with long-term credits.
Regarding the handling of garbage, it will establish that each day a certain type of waste is collected.
The elimination of “high traffic fines”, a recycling program, the restoration of the Salado estuary, the creation of a municipal veterinary center with surgical and hospitalization services and the promotion of a bike path are among its proposals.
Eduardo Argudo

Candidate of the Ecuadorian Socialist Party, list 17.
Access to a public transport ‘decent’ where all users are seated, the exemption of property tax payments to people living in popular sectors, the recovery of the branches of Salado estuary and the Guayas River and build ports and docks for the fluvial mobility are some of their proposals.
He also proposes the integration of the popular settlements to the system of protection of municipal rights.
In addition, he will promote a change in Guayaquil’s energy matrix through the use of solar energy panels that allow citizens to insert themselves into a “new low-cost ecological model”.
The trade is also part of his 45-page work plan. Offers to improve the infrastructure in the “corner sites” through spaces for informal traders.
Plans housing plans, increase the number of legalized land and recover the historical memory of the city with art and culture.
Octavio Suárez

Candidate of the Pachakutik movement, list 18.
Its work plan aims to improve services such as viability, water, drainage and electricity; stimulate the medical guild in order to improve health treatment; reorganize ports and airports to prevent accidents and “chemical threats” that harm the lives of citizens.
It will also promote the care of the environment through the planting of trees and the recovery of the branches of the Salado estuary.
Offers to work with the Ministry of Housing to promote land legalization programs and grant land titles to people who do not have the legalization of their land.
He will promote the construction of sports fields, theaters, rehabilitation centers for addictions, buildings for people with special abilities, centers to collect and treat abandoned pets.
He will implement several programs for delinquency prevention from school levels.
He also proposes the creation of a fluvial transport system.
Jorge Coppiano Marín

Candidate of the Ecuadorian Union Movement, list 19.
A tree planting campaign established by municipal ordinance so that each owner of a property sows a tree is one of its approaches.
In addition, he announces that it will ask the owners of the vehicles to install environmental purification pipes to reduce the emission of polluting gases.
In health proposes to build three hospitals in the north, south and west of the city, to serve the poorest population with a card that will give the Municipality.
He mentions that with the endorsement of the State and international organizations the new airport can be built, as well as the dredging system for the access of larger vessels.
At the end of the 15-page plan it indicates the creation of family dining rooms, libraries, recreation centers, markets and parks, without mentioning the places where they would be placed.
A reorganization of the Municipal Transit Authority is another of its projections, without indicating whether or not it will reduce traffic fines.
Francisco Jiménez

Candidate of the CREO movement, list 21.
Modernize the Metropolitan Police to focus on preventing crime and work in coordination with the National Police, lower rates of drug use with preventive measures such as sports, artistic and cultural programs, the creation of rehabilitation centers for addictions and promote the Work through the Municipal Employment Exchange are the main objectives of its work plan that contains 31 pages.
In addition, he proposes to increase the number of articulated and feeders of the Metrovía system and to progressively increase the inclusion of heated electric units in the public transport network.
He also proposes to build and repower at least seven docks and ports to promote river mobility.
He proposes an arborization program of native species to increase the square meters of green areas by guayaquileño.
Patricio Buendía

Candidate of the SUMA movement, list 23.
Proposes the creation of municipal administrative extensions in each district of the city; the incorporation of delegates from civil society as overseers of municipal contracts; dance, culture, sports programs, educational scholarships, training for children and youth to avoid drug use.
On the subject of transport, it proposes to expand the Aerovía, build viaducts and a ferry, encourage the use of bicycles, create bike lanes and carry out feasibility studies that allow reengineering of the main streets of the city.
In addition, it raises the importation of electric vehicles so that by 2039 the city has a completely ecological transportation system.
It also offers, in its 22-page plan, to expand the infrastructure for people with disabilities; install security cameras in educational centers; change the axis of the Metropolitan Police to be tourist and community; housing plans and legalization of land.
Jaime Lomas

Candidate of the movement Together We can, list 33.
Among the axes of his eight-page plan is to make Guayaquil a metropolitan district with a municipality that has three district units to meet the needs according to the reality of each sector.
Through the Green Economy plan, it will demand the dredging of the Guayas River “to avoid sedimentation and floods in rainy seasons”, and among other proposals, it plans to plant fruit trees in the central parterres of the roads and in the parks to serve as food for citizens.
It also has a project and tender for garbage collection classified by zones or parishes.
In addition, the plan announces the creation of recyclable waste collection points.
He mentions the elimination of the fines of the Municipal Transit Agency established in municipal ordinances and the creation of rehabilitation clinics to deal with addictions.
Simon Bolivar Rosero

Candidate of the PAIS Alliance (AP) movement, list 35.
Improving the quality of water so as not to affect the health of the population is one of its proposals. This, he points out, about the fact that “at the end of December 2018, a representative of Unicef said that the water in Guayaquil was contaminated with feces.”
His plan projects the development of 1,500 commercial premises and 5,000 spaces for new merchants, among others.
Plans to generate work places with the second phase of the Malecón of 3.5 km and the Great Lung of Green Areas of 240 hectares on the grounds of the current airport once it is moved to the area of Daular.
He proposes to work with the assembly members and the authorities of the Ministry of the Interior for the elimination of the tables of possession of drugs for consumption and the creation of a rehabilitation center to treat addictions.
It will support the ventures of young people from 16 to 25 years old through a digital platform and offers technological education in the parishes of Ximena and Monte Sinaí.
Edgar Salazar

Candidate of the Concertación movement, list 51.
Proposes the formalization and legalization of informal traders; cultural and artistic programs for young people; construction of a “superhighway” to Posorja; recycling programs.
It also proposes to train the metropolitan police to apply a security plan with preventive axis; the creation of a “free zone” for the marketing of basic products at low prices; a program to control addictive behaviors.
It offers the construction of a municipal university citadel with technological training.
According to his work plan, written on a sheet, he socially proposes the creation of immunization and immunology centers to treat sexually transmitted diseases; plans for addiction control; a program for the control, relocation and rescue of sex workers; and a shelter for people in a state of abandonment. In addition, proposes to eliminate the foto-multas and radars of transit. (I)