“The auction has two defects of nullity”
What changes in the auction have been denounced by labs?
Today Mr. Santiago Vazquez, of the Public Procurement Service, is making a single auction, this is the greatest farce. He says “We bought first to Ecuadorians,” but one of his delegates traveled abroad to invite companies from India and China to participate in the auction and the president does not know this.
Then, preference is no longer given to the local industry?
Mr. Vazquez ignores a percentage of preference that was set in a technical study, which is in the Comptroller and was prepared by the Ministry of Production. It was not applied because the auction was made with two sections: one for domestic companies and another open. But the report showed a 38% preference and he set it at 17.5%. Therefore, we say that the auction has defects of nullity.
In which points it is null?
Just one because the percentage is not based on any technical study. The other error is this blind auction which is not regulated. He’s doing it arbitrarily. Before, if you bid 100, I saw the percentage and I bid a 99.9% and other person saw it and offered a 99.8%. We saw the percentages, but we never knew who. Today we will not know anything. You only know if you’re winning or losing. That destroys the productive apparatus.
Does this give more advantage to the foreign industry?
Sure, they have more capacity for economies of scale.
Does the claim is official?
This week we will file it. The auction is under observation. The auction will be held on February 15th.
Source: http://expreso.ec/expreso/plantillas/nota.aspx?idart=8823007&idcat=38229&tipo=2