The case for the alleged kidnapping of Rafael Correa was declared prescribed

The criminal process that seven ex-policemen faced due to the presumed plagiarism or kidnapping of the ex-president, Rafael Correa, during the events of September 30, 2010 (30-S) was declared prescribed.
If there are no objections to the ruling that will be sent in writing to the parties to the proceedings, the case will be filed. The resolution was adopted by the Criminal Court composed of judges Marcelo Narváez, Fanny Altamirano and Silvana Velasco, who accepted the request made by the Prosecutor’s Office.
On Monday, January 28, moments before the trial hearing of the accused, Gen. Florencio Ruiz, Petty Officer Víctor Argüello, Sergeants Marcos García, Mecías Ramón, Washington Pilatasig, Fabián Huilca and Cbo. Wilson Jumbo, prosecutor Francisco Vega made the request.
His argument was that he had no evidence to prove the crime of extortive kidnapping or compound plagiarism. This was due to the fact that he did not have technical skills to prove ill-treatment or assaults against Correa.
Therefore indicated that the crime to be treated would be simple plagiarism. But having a sentence of six months to two years, it would be prescribed after more than five years have elapsed since the beginning of the fiscal instruction on August 19, 2016.
With these considerations, the Court noted that the crime is prescribed and ordered the lifting of the precautionary measures to the seven defendants. The hearing was held at the North Judicial Complex of Quito, which was attended by around 105 witnesses and experts, including Gustavo Jalkh, former President Correa, Doris Solis, Irina Cabezas, Rosana and Vinicio Alvarado, Paco Velasco, among others.
General Florencio Ruiz said that some way justice has been done and did not rule out filing an international complaint. Prosecutor Vega said that the Prosecutor’s Office is prepared to act objectively, that is, not only to accuse but also to recognize rights. (I)