The CNE will not pay for advertising in digital media, confirms Juan Pablo Pozo
The representative of the electoral agency said that there is still some instructive for review.
“This is an issue of political will, but of legality,” said the President of the CNE, Juan Pablo Pozo, on the decision of the electoral body of not paying for advertising in digital media. In an interview with “The Power of the Word” radio program, broadcast by, he said that this regulation contained in the Ecuadorian laws must still be analyzed.
On this occasion, as in previous elections, the CNE will not pay for advertising in digital media. Therefore the media on the Internet will not be allowed to receive money for promotion, advertising or campaign of any candidate, because it will not be part of the funds recognized by the institution, in the context of the quota to be paid for the election campaign.
On this regard, the head of the CNE explained that they respond to what is stated in the law. “The Democracy Code provides that the media for electoral promotion, comprises: written press, radio, television, and billboards,” he said.
The Constitutional Court also notes “that everything that has to do with the non-traditional media is not within the regulation of the Council, including social networks,” the interviewee added, who said that it is necessary a review of these issues.
However, Juan Pablo Pozo said that there is still some instructive for reviewing. “We have to take into account the list of suppliers, which the CNE will point to see if indeed, without prejudice we will find alternatives because would be to ignore reality what it means to the political and electoral campaigns. ”
“If the digital environment occupies another space that has to do with radio, for example, then that media may be included in the list of suppliers,” analyzed the interviewee.