The companies are seeking an agreement with the EU to win
Currently, 1 012 domestic enterprises exported to the EU. For these, the implementation of a trade agreement with the bloc is key. In addition 800 Ecuadorian products,800 – 90% of the exports – beneficiaries of the system General of preferences Plus – have seven months to continue with this mechanism that allows the non-payment of tariffs upon entering the European market.
For Daniel Legarda, Vice President of the Ecuadorian Federation of exporters, during the first three years, the Affectations (after losing the system and not to sign the agreement) would amount to USD 3 000 million. But if there is agreement, exports could grow at 1 010 million during the same period.
Guillermo Pavón, President of the Ecuadorian Federation of Metal industry, notes that in the country there is potential to develop products of interest in Europe, but still missing by analyzing the issue of access. “The issue of tariffs is not the only one that should be considered, but that of all the other regulations parancelarias.” We have to identify the technical specifications that demand for the domestic products”.