The conclave will begin on March 12
On Tuesday, March 12 will start the conclave to elect the new Pope; so decided it today by the Congregation of Cardinals as corroborated by the Vatican spokesman, Federico Lombardi.
That day during the morning mass held “Pro eligendo Romano Pontifice” in St. Peter’s basilica, and in the afternoon, the 115 Cardinal electors will enter in the Sistine Chapel to begin the conclave. That evening will take place the first ballot, with the resulting “smoke”, i.e., people will start to see smoke, in principle black and when chosen the Supreme Pontiff, white.
The process of election of the successor of Benedicto XVI was decided today today by the College of Cardinals during the eighth General Congregation, which took place this afternoon at the new classroom of the Synod.
Benedict XVI published on 25 February a “motu proprio” (papal document) in which authorized the College of Cardinals to anticipate the conclave that will elect his successor, if so decided by the Cardinals.
The Cardinals will meet again Saturday, in the new classroom for the Synod, place of General congregations, and are being carried out since March 4 year course.