The electoral campaign in Guayaquil is lived among offers, music and gifts

The aspirants to the City Hall of Guayaquil began their campaign tours through the north, center and south of the city to capture votes in the sectional elections of March 24, 2019.
At the pace of their caravans or walks, the difference in the presence of supporters and logistics is noticeable. Some have a greater deployment than others. The activities to approach the electorate include door-to-door visits, the delivery of t-shirts and calendars and prizes through bingos.
Of the 17 candidates competing to reach the Municipality of Guayaquil, three postponed their campaign for a few days and during these days they devoted themselves to planning meetings.

Jimmy Jairala: ‘Guayaquil needs a more supportive mayor’
Jimmy Jairala, candidate for mayor of Guayaquil for the Democratic Center movement, began his campaign at Cristo del Consuelo, in the southwest of Guayaquil. There, before hundreds of supporters, he committed himself to do everything that is pending and that has not been done in more than 25 years of Christian Social Administration.
“Guayaquil needs a more humanist and supportive mayor. There are many sectors without basic services, where there are citizens who do not have deeds, “said Jairala, who promised to solve the problem of public transport.

Martha Macías: ‘This woman from the suburb is ready’
The mood of the supporters who accompanied the start of the campaign of Martha Macias, candidate for the Patriotic Society Party, did not come down with the downpour that fell on Tuesday afternoon.
The caravan toured several streets in the west of the city and ended with a show on the 20th between Capitán Nájera and Medardo Ángel Silva. There, from a stage, he spread his work plan and professional career. “This woman from the suburb is prepared (…), my plan is for social development and based on the experience of dialogue with people (…)”.

Jorge Villacreses: ‘My plan is documented and budgeted’
With radio and television interviews began Jorge Villacreses, who calls himself the “sheriff of security”, his campaign on Tuesday morning and afternoon.
There he presented his main proposal to be mayor, to implement a squad of drones with face recognition cameras in the most criminal areas of Guayaquil.
This Wednesday he published his work plan in a danceable bingo in which he raffled blenders, rice cookers, frying pans, rice pouches and cans of tuna to residents of Colinas de la Florida, in the north of the city.

Cynthia Viteri: ‘We will continue to make dreams bigger’
Accompanied by the aspiring councilors, the Prefecture and the mayor of Guayaquil, Jaime Nebot, the candidate for the Christian Social-Wood Party of Guerrero, Cynthia Viteri, undertook on Tuesday afternoon a caravan through the north of the city that departed from Avenue Francisco de Orellana.
Before his visit he spoke of the five axes of his plan: “We will continue to fight to keep and make bigger the new dreams of the people of Guayaquil, that is why we are going to take care of the family, to continue creating jobs, to ensure safety. . “

Gino Cornejo: ‘The Mayor will have a 180 degree change’
The candidate for the Mayor of Guayaquil by the Adelante Ecuatoriano Adelante party, list 7, Gino Cornejo, began his campaign with tours of popular neighborhoods.
In his tour indicated that his job “is to listen, know and solve the needs of people” and that winning the elections will exercise a mayor near the Guayaquil. On the second day of the campaign, this Wednesday, he held interviews on radios, where he assured that he will give a 180-degree change to the Municipality of Guayaquil and that it will create sports schools in the different districts.

Juan Manuel Bermúdez: ‘I am a different candidate, I have experience’
With an act of launching a campaign and a sit-in outside the headquarters of the Freedom movement is Pueblo, in the citadel La Atarazana, the mayoral candidate Juan Manuel Bermúdez started his tours accompanied by Johnnie Jorgge, aspiring to the Prefecture of Guayas .
Before, Bermúdez visited Radio Visión and walked part of the av. Juan Tanca Marengo. Yesterday, he had an interview on a television channel and toured popular sectors.
He assured that he would defeat the aspirants of the other lists because he has experience.

Balerio Estacio: ‘I will make school to train metropolitans’
Balerio Estacio, candidate for Fuerza Ecuador to the Mayor of Guayaquil, began his campaign on Tuesday with a motorized caravan that left the south, from La Fragata, toured Los Esteros, the cooperative Santiaguito Roldós, Fertisa, Guasmos, 25 de Julio Avenue, the suburb and then they came northwest, to Partner Housing 1 and 2, the av. Casuarina, Flor de Bastión, to close with a rally in Paraíso de la Flor.
He offered to complete basic services in sectors where necessary and create a training school for the Metropolitan Police.

Carlos Cassanello: ‘Promoting work reduces crime’
The cooperative El Cóndor, in the north of Guayaquil, was the site chosen for the concentration of the followers of the mayoral candidates by the Social Justice movement, Carlos Cassanello, and the prefecture. With this act, the candidate for Olmedo’s chair started his campaign last Tuesday.
There he presented his work plan with the axes of security, connectivity, mass mobility, social. “We have to promote work because that way we reduce crime (…),” he said.
This Wednesday he continued with several radio interviews and in the afternoon he planned a new tour.

José Inca: ‘My campaign will be of joy and door to door’
In the midst of the heavy downpour that Guayaquil endured on Tuesday afternoon José Inca, candidate of the Democratic Left for the Mayor of Guayaquil, began his political campaign in search of Olmedo’s chair.
In the central party, in the streets Primero de Mayo and Los Ríos, Inca met with the candidates for councilors by the districts and with supporters who came with flags to support his candidacy.
He said his campaign will be from door to door and with great joy, to promote his proposal of “an intelligent Guayaquil”.

Eduardo Argudo: ‘The Metrovía will be a 24-hour transport’
The candidate for the Mayor of Guayaquil for the Socialist Party Eduardo Argudo concentrated with his supporters at the headquarters of the organization, in Padre Solano and Esmeraldas, in the center of the city.
The rain that fell in that area of the city did not prevent him from exhibiting his promises at the beginning of his campaign, among which he mentioned daycare and free transportation for university students, uninterrupted service of the Metrovía (24 hours a day), public toilets .
It offered a new model of the Metropolitan Police and the disappearance of the foundations.

Octavio Suárez: ‘In the next few days I will start my campaign’
Since Tuesday, the day that the campaign started, the candidate Octavio Suárez did not carry out any proselytizing activity.
Suárez had planned to participate in a caravan on Avenida Pedro Menéndez Gilbert and Roberto Gilbert Elizalde, in the north, but decided not to attend for personal reasons.
Meanwhile, this Wednesday was in the meeting with the FARO Group, at the Wyndham Hotel, to learn details of the debate among the candidates that will be held on February 28 in Guayaquil.
Suarez -by telephone- said that in the next few days they will start the campaign.

Jorge Coppiano: ‘In Guayaquil, not enough has been done’
The department of the candidate Jorge Coppiano and at the same time central of the Ecuadorian Union movement, located in the streets of Brazil and March 6, was the starting point of his electoral campaign for the Mayor’s Office.
The applicant was accompanied on Tuesday by about 40 people. An artist encouraged the opening, despite the rain.
In the speech, Coppiano spoke of his proposal to turn 9 de Octubre Avenue into pedestrian and criticized the current administration. “Not enough has been done,” he said. This Wednesday the candidate was in a television interview.

Francisco Jiménez: ‘In the city priorities must be ordered’
The CREO candidate for mayor Francisco Jiménez officially started on Tuesday at 09:30 with an event in La Garzota (north), led by the leader of the movement, Guillermo Lasso.
He even dressed in his campaign and his shoes wore his name and his list. In the afternoon he toured the north, center and south with a motorized caravan. And yesterday-on foot-, Lot Lot 1, in the north, and the Cuba neighborhood, in the south.
He indicated that priorities should be ordered in the city and solve the problems that plague the people of Guayaquil in the popular sectors.

Patricio Buendía: ‘Trust people who have not been in politics’
Raising the flag of Guayaquil began on the morning of Tuesday the candidate Patricio Buendía his campaign route at the entrance of 8, in the northwest.
He walked about 20 blocks delivering flyers and calendars, which included his main proposals in employment, education, roads, environment, and others.
“Trust new people who have never been in politics,” Buendía told a resident who shook his hand.
In the afternoon he toured the streets of Tungurahua and Ayacucho along with the aspiring councilors through District 1.

Jaime Lomas: ‘Orange economy is one of the axes of my plan’
Jaime Lomas, mayoral candidate for Juntos Podemos, will launch his campaign today, at l as 17:00, in the Plaza Rocafuerte (October 9 and Pedro Carbo).
“We will highlight in our launching one of the three axes of my campaign, which is the orange that talks about development, tourism, culture, gastronomy within the city,” he said.
Yesterday he participated in the meeting organized by the FARO Group to define the terms in which the debate of the candidates will take place, which is scheduled for February 28.
Alianza PAIS (List 35)

Simón Bolívar Rosero: ‘We will build more sports cities’
Alianza PAIS candidate for mayor of Guayaquil, Simón Bolívar Rosero, chose the South Guasmo to start his campaign with a motorized caravan that toured some cooperatives in that area and then go through the Perimetral Route and end up in the city’s surburbia.
Accompanied by some candidates for councilors, Rosero mentioned that among his projects is to ask for the competence of the Social Security, as well as the construction of sports cities in different areas of the city, generate employment and combat corruption.

Édgar Salazar: ‘We want to make known the 25 axes of the plan’
Planning meetings are part of the activities developed by the mayoral candidate for the Concertación movement, Edgar Salazar, to publicize his electoral campaign in the city.
On Wednesday, he participated with the campaign chief, Rogelio Valencia, in the meeting about the preparations for the debate that is taking place in the Ecuador Decide initiative with the aspirants to Olmedo’s chair. “We want people to know our campaign plan, but more than all the 25 programmatic axes in Guayaquil established in the CNE (…),” he said. (I)