The Government allocates $ 20 million for teachers

14,000 teachers from all over the country climbed up, which will represent an increase in their salaries -in several cases- of $ 150 per month. The measure is retroactive. In the country there are 14,000 teachers throughout the public education system who will be recategorized.
The President of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, in an enjoyable meeting held at the Mejía School in Quito, announced that $ 20 million will be allocated for this purpose. Moreno made the announcement in advance of the commemoration of Teacher’s Day, which in Ecuador is remembered on April 13.
The official highlighted the task of teachers and described his job as “the profession of professions.” The increase in the salaries of the beneficiaries represents on average more than $ 150 per month, which will be retroactive since January of this year and is expected to be canceled until next May. “In this way we pay a pending debt with the teachers, who have more than deserved this promotion for all the work they develop daily training the children and youth of the country.”
For his part, the Minister of Education, Milton Luna, said that the increase in some cases is high and several teachers rise in a single process several categories at once. “This is a legal provision that is established in the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) and that is the great aspiration of teachers in the country.”
He said that this rise also favors teachers whose recategorization was repressed since 2014. In Ecuador, 168,000 teachers work and of that group, 100,000 received university professional training and accessed scholarships the previous year, according to the Ministry of Education.
The changes
In February of this year the decree was signed to reduce the administrative burden of the pedagogue, although it is not yet fully implemented. Several teachers, such as Martha T., from Colegio Mejía, mentioned that in the case of their institution, the provision for administrative burden reduction has not yet materialized. Therefore, the Chief Executive asked Minister Luna firm hand with establishments that do not implement this provision, which takes time to the teacher to prepare the chair.
In recent years, the teachers have attended 15,000 students in the hospital classrooms, 650 adolescents in the centers for juvenile offenders and 9,000 adults deprived of their liberty. “Hopefully in our prison system we have prizes for training. For example, if someone who does not have a primary education is educated, they can think of a 1 or 2 year reduction; if he completes secondary education a time of similar reduction and also if he reaches higher education, “Moreno reiterated.
Vanessa Barreiro and Sonia Hidalgo are teachers and share the vocation of this profession, but they do it in specialized fields. Vannesa is a special education teacher and has been in service for more than two decades. Today she works in the Fiscal Institute of Special Education of the north of Quito (IFEEN).
She feels satisfied with her task, especially for the human development she has achieved personally and with her students. “We live in a time of inclusion; Special education has taught me that we can all achieve the same ideal. We have different capacities and that should be strengthened.”
Sonia, on the other hand, has taken the teaching and the books to the different hospitals in the capital. She imparts her knowledge at the Baca Ortiz pediatric hospital, in Solca, and also at the IESS Hospital Quito Sur. “My vocation has always been teaching, I focused on working with children who had less chance of accessing continuing education. Teaching in a hospital fills you with experiences and satisfactions.”
Sonia praised the task that she and other professionals fulfill within the Hospital and Domiciliary Educational Attention Program, which has benefited more than 60,000 students. “I recognize that my work will leave a mark on the students and that is what most fills me with satisfaction. It’s an experience that does not give me another professional activity.”
Rural areas
Minister Luna recalled that during this month 20 rural schools will be opened in the Costa region and another 500 are being studied. The goal is to reopen 1,000 community centers by the end of this year. “An important factor to do this is the request made by the communities where they are settled; and to the extent that this request is submitted, studies will be made. We dialogue to finalize the process. “
The State portfolio said that there is $ 70 million to comply with the reopening program of rural centers.
Years of service count to ascend Four are the basic requirements established by the Organic Law of Intercultural Education ( LOEI) so that a teacher can move up in category. Among these are: time of service, academic title according to each category, professional update and examination of job performance.
Today the minimum category of income to the fiscal magisterium is G and represents a salary of $ 817; those in category F receive $ 901; those of the E, $ 986; and those of A, $ 1,676. To ascend from category G to F, a minimum experience of four years is required.
For the Network of Teachers this recategorization is an achievement for which they fought; however, the outstanding issue is salary. The organization requests the fulfillment of the campaign offers such as salary homologation so that the salary of the pedagogues, who start in the profession, represents an income superior to $ 1,000.
Minister Milton Luna has been emphatic in pointing out that the teachers’ demand is valid, but that it must adjust to the country’s economic crisis. The Network also requires training as part of the educational improvement to ensure that education in the country is of quality, pertinent and deeply humanistic as a development tool. (I)