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The IAPA warns “undeniable regression” of press freedom in America
Posted On 17 Oct 2016

Freedom of expression faces an “undeniable regression” in the continent because of old and new threats; today denounced the Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) when carrying out its 72nd General Assembly in Mexico City.
“The continental union registered (in 2016) the murder of twenty journalists; twelve in Mexico, four in Brazil, one in Venezuela, one in El Salvador, another in Guatemala and, in particular, one in the United States,” the organization reported.
“Overall, what we are witnessing is a definite regression in the levels of freedom of expression in the continent,” said Mexican Roberto Rock, of the digital media La Silla Rota and co-chairman of the Commission on Freedom of Press and Information of the IAPA.
When presenting the progress of the Commission´s report, Rock said that this setback demands the Society “a firm and courageous action that has characterized it for decades.”
He further claimed that the murder of journalists “has taken on the character of a lethal censorship” and that there are countries with a significant level of impairment as Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Cuba and Honduras.