The Ombudsman apologizes for “institutional silence

As a way of recognizing errors, the defender of the People, Gina Benavides, called for public apologies to three sectors that, in her opinion, were stigmatized and discriminated against. The official presided over the ceremony at the Ecuadorian House of Culture and the apologies were addressed to the Yasunidos organization, journalists and the 10 from Luluncoto.
Benavides said that this action will also allow for the dignity and public recognition of the people who were excluded and that their cases were in impunity. “This is not up to us, but it has to be resolved by other bodies and we are making warrants so that the authorities can reopen cases and define public policies,” she said, adding that this “moral recognition” will be reflected in a document that will be delivered to those affected.
The Yasunidos regretted the actions of the previous government, which decided in 2013 to end the Yasuní-ITT initiative, which sought to leave oil underground in exchange for an economic contribution from the international community.
Sometime later, the group promoted a popular consultation on the extraction of crude oil. In the case of Los 10 de Luluncoto, its members were captured in March 2012 (in Quito) by the National Police and prosecuted for terrorism. Nine of them were arrested and a citizen was ordered under house arrest for her pregnancy. They were released between December 2013 and March 2015.
This case is found in the Truth and Justice Bureau of the Council of the Judiciary, which will determine until the end of the year if they were persecuted politicians of the previous government; in addition to identifying whether judges and prosecutors in the case violated due process.
Regarding the communicators, the Ombudsman apologized to 2,479 journalists who allegedly received assaults, based on the follow-up of Fundamedios. Likewise, this recognition was made to the relatives of the journalist team kidnapped and murdered at the beginning of the year on the northern border by Walter Arízala, alias “Guacho”. “The responsible must be assumed as the State. The effects come from a process 10 years ago where there were limitations on human rights. (I)