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The port channel, all ready for 2019
Posted On 31 Oct 2016

Shortly after the commission established by the Municipality of Guayaquil convened an international tender to find a company that dredges and operates the access channel to the port, DPWorld Posorja is also looking for someone who will do the technical studies to contract the construction of its channel.
Daily Expreso acceded to two documents. One, a timetable until 2019 on the deepening of the current access canal and the removal of “Los Goles” rocky barrier; and the other, of the DPWorld Dubai firm on the terms of reference to contract its studies.
The rate for foreign ships that access the current access canal to the southern ports of the city will finance the new dredge of 11.88 meters (although there is a proposal still discussed of 12.50 meters) and will be charged from January 1, 2019.
The canal dredging was the topic of discussion since 2012 between Mayor Jaime Nebot and President Rafael Correa, who initially under the Strategic Mobility Plan provided that the low draft cargo now managed by the Port of Guayaquil should be managed by the Posorja port.