The seized media start to recover

The manager of Public Media, Martha Moncayo, explained on Wednesday November 14 in the National Assembly the situation faced by companies and their workers.
Super K, on the 800 AM dial of Guayaquil, was the radio of sportsradios. It was always among the three most listened to and was amagnet to gain publicity. But everything changed after the seizure of 2008.
Patricio Almeida, a radio worker, recalled on Wednesday, November 14, in the Workers’ Rights Committee of the Assembly that a “ring” was ordered to cut the transmission to comply with a political mission of the ex-government. “Even the games of the national team were suspended,” he said. When it lost its essence, the audiences left and the radio started to go out.
The same lived Gamatv, who was the pioneer of the successful reality show of singing and dancing. Now, fight to save yourself from bankruptcy. “We were deceived,” said Mauricio Herrera, a worker at that station that allegedly belonged to employees. Even the main one of the media emporium TCtelevisión saw its accounts fall. Before the seizure of the Isaias brothers it was valued at $ 72 million, but after ten years its price fell to $ 30 million.
This X-ray of the seized media was presented to the Workers’ Commission that summoned its highest authorities to know the situation of the companies and employees. The manager of the media, Martha Moncayo, explained all the actions that are executed to try to lift the companies that were going directly into bankruptcy.
Now radio workers, like Super K, have their salaries up to date and progress is being made in the process to match the payments to the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute. Almeida recognizes that, who said that now they know the way the station is going and they want to continue working in that place.
While TC television began to have gains again, although it must improve its liquidity. Their accounts are clear and their value has recovered, which exceeds 40 million dollars. The hardest process is with Gamatv.
Herrera demands the payment of the $ 6 million that were lost for transmitting free of charge the citizen links of former President Rafael Correa. “It’s not a bailout, it’s payment for our work hours.”
The clear accounts
The legislator María Mercedes Cuesta (FE) knows very well the means seized from the brothers Willian and Roberto Isaías. She started in Gamatv as a journalist before she turned 18 and was linked to those media until she was separated by former communication secretary Fernando Alvarado, who today is a fugitive from justice. “They took the patrimony of the media,” said the legislator, with indignation, to her colleague Bairon Valle, of the Citizen Revolution.
In 2008, a total of 11 companies, of TV, radio and magazines, were seized from the Isaias for the bankruptcy of Filanbanco. The regime at that time assured that it would sell the holding company, but it did not do so and made it part of its communicational trident, together with the Ministry of Communication and the public media.
Martha Moncayo explained that from this group there are companies such as Cable Visión and Uminasa (editor of the magazines La Otra and Generación XXI) that will be liquidated. But, there is still a lot to dig in the accounting records.
For example, accounts receivable from companies that do not exist were detected in Gamatv; other debts that can no longer be demanded because they exceeded the legal term and invoices that possibly show that the Treasury was affected. That is why Moncayo clarified that while they are working to recover the media, they are also fighting for those responsible to be sanctioned.
The employment situation 1,700 people work in the seized and public media. The financial situation of the company does not allow to maintain the current salary mass. For this reason, explained Martha Moncayo, 200 workers of the Public Media will be separated until December 2018. “The processes of disengagement of personnel will comply with all legal regulations in force.”
In the legislative committee was the reporter Lorena Abad, who was fired at the end of October. She said she has cancer (in the thyroid gland) and that her departure affected her health and her family. The manager explained that for the evaluation of the departure of the official, the certificate of the Social Worker of the company in which she reports that within the group of disengaged persons there are no people with catastrophic illnesses was considered.
However, she assured that the company will abide by the provisions issued by the competent authorities: the Ministries of Labor and Health. The legislators announced that they will continue investigating the situation of the media workers.
The session was suspended
The members of the Committee on Workers’ Rights left their regulatory quorum in the session on the situation of the media seized from Isaiah hands. There will be a new call for the case.
10 years have belonged to the State the seized media from ex-bankers and brothers Isaiah.
New announcements
The legislative commission announced that it will once againconvene the presidency adviser, Santiago Cuesta, and the national secretary ofCommunication, Andrés Michelena, to give their report. (I)