The State collected 17,84% more on taxes than 2011
The Internal Revenue Service (SRI for its Spanish acronym) announced yesterday that effective tax revenues (excluding returns) in 2012, went up to $ 11,267 million.
Such collection represents a 106.7% fulfillment compared to the target set for the period stood at $ 10,560 million; and 17.84% in relation to 2011 ($ 9,561 million).

Tax Collection in million figures. Image taken from El Universo Newspaper.
Also, according to SRI, the tax burden to the taxpayer has also increased. Between 2002 and 2006 the pressure was maintained at 11.2%, while in 2007 the pressure rose to 11.8%, to finally stay at 15.3% in 2012.
SRI’s report notes that among the highest-grossing taxes, is the income tax, which in 2012 reached $ 3,391 million, which means 10.3% more than the target set, which was $ 3,074 million.
On the Value Added Tax (VAT) in the last year, $ 5,498 million were obtained, 0.7% less than the planned target, which was $ 5,537 million.