Three killed due to consumption of liquor with methanol
The consumption of impure liquor with methanol left 3 dead in one day, in different cities, while three more remain hospitalized with signs of intoxication. After this, authorities initiated control operations in which they seized allegedly adulterated liquor and warned people not to drink liquor without sanitary authorization.
Walter Benabidez Tepanr, 26, in Cuenca, and Oscar Guaranga, 27 and Teodoro Morales, 49, in Riobamba, died after drinking the methanol-adulterated liquor, according to their autopsies.
Methanol is an industrial alcohol and its mix with artisanal liquors and wines in the country have caused 52 dead and 300 affected in 2011. The next year there were three deaths and 10 intoxicated, all these cases were caused by consumption of impure liquor during a party in Cuenca.
In Ambato, Riobamba and Cuenca there are several hospitalized persons due to methanol poisoning, reported several health units.

Hospitalized people who drank adulterated liquor.