Two defendants in the Frequencies case will sue the state for moral damages
Both Muñoz, of the Manabi Corporation of Radio and Television, and Arellano, owner of a company that manufactures compact discs, were detained; The first for three months and the second for six months, for a presumption of illicit association for the illegal sale of radio frequencies that, according to their lawyers, the office of the Prosecutor failed to prove and therefore a sentence for acquittal was issued.
According to lawyers Luigi García and Ivan Durazno, the office of the Prosecutor had partly supported the accusation based on the tracking, photographs of encounters and the unsworn testimony given by businessman and singer Gerardo Moran, in the pre-trial stage, in which Moran indicated that him and Muñoz had delivered $ 40,000 as part of a total contribution of $ 200,000 to obtain a radio frequency.