United States could not eliminate the Self Defense Act
After massive protests from civil rights groups in the United States after the jury absolved George Zimmerman for the shooting to death the African American teenager Trayvon Martin. Due to this incident is very unlikely to change the laws of self-defense of the country.
No difference would be made, despite a request carried out by President Barack Obama of a detailed report of the case. So much that the last week Jan Brewer, Republican Governor of Arizona, said, “I am in favour of defending our property.” Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal, another Republican said, “I see no reason to change it.”
These statements were added to the National Conference of State Legislature, given that at least 22 states have laws similar to Florida. So far it doesn’t seem that Florida and other states are willing to repeal or amend laws, commonly remove a person’s duty to retreat in front of a serious physical threat.
The former neighbourhood watch volunteer of 29-years-old, George Zimmerman, was acquitted this month of the second-degree murder charge of and the manslaughter after shooting Martin, 17, in the walled community of Sanford, Florida, in 2012.