2.9 million barrels of diesel will be imported
Petroecuador awarded the importation of 2’880.000 barrels of diesel oil No.2 to the BB Energy Company (Asia) Pte. Ltd.
This fuel is used for the electrical industry and for power generation.
The awarded company bid a differential of +2.41 $ dollars per barrel, according to the state oil company.
The proposals were received and evaluated on Tuesday February 23. Of the bidder 37 companies, 11 bids and 8 excuses were received.
El tendered volume of 2’880.000 barrels will arrive to Ecuador in twelve cargoes of 240,000 barrels each, according to the stipulations of the bidding rules.
The first delivery will arrive at the country from 11 to 13 March 2016, Petroecuador reported.
Source: http://expreso.ec/actualidad/se-importaran-2-9-millones-de-barriles-de-diesel-CD84713