
Ecuador will exhibit its fruits and vegetables in Germany, at the Fruit Logistica Trade Fair

Ecuador was named as the official partner country of Fruit Logistica 2020, which will take place for two days in Berlin, starting on February 5th. During the main exhibition for the global fruit trade, Ecuador will present its agricultural heritage worldwide, positioning itself...
Posted On 04 Sep 2019
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Ecuador started importing again in vitro banana plants

The first batch of in vitro banana plants arrived in Ecuador after the opening of imports. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), through Agrocalidad, suspended purchases of this plant material abroad for a month and 23 days. It was a phytosanitary measure before the...
Posted On 04 Sep 2019
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Chile, Peru and Ecuador will exchange information on visas granted to citizens of Venezuela

The governments of Chile, Peru and Ecuador decided on September 3, 2019, to establish a permanent technical working group on the flow of Venezuelan migrants fleeing the social, economic and political crisis in their country. The agreement was reached after two days of meetings in...
Posted On 04 Sep 2019
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Pamela Martínez declared that she was being used for delivering money to Alianza PAÍS and that Rafael Correa knew about it

Pamela Martínez recognized that it was a “mistake” not to have realized that she was being “used to receive and deliver money”. The funds, she declared, arrived from private companies for the electoral campaign of the PAIS Alliance movement (AP). Pamela Martínez also declared...
Posted On 04 Sep 2019
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