500 Haitian migrants entered Brazil in three days

The governor of Acre, a state in the western border with Bolivia, Brazil, reported that food and water sent to assist immigrants who settled in the streets of Brasileia, since this small city has no position to give assistance. “The situation is complicated because the state had built a shelter for immigrants who apparently became too small for the 700 Haitians already in Brasileia.”
Assistant Secretary of Justice and Human Rights of Acre, José Henrique Moura Corinth, traveled to Brasileia on Monday to coordinate aid to the many undocumented immigrants.
Although the National Committee for Refugees (CONARE), Ministry of Justice of Brazil admitted in December that they are examining measures to combat trafficking of immigrants at the border of the Amazon and have not announced any decision.
Acre’s government estimates that at least 2,300 Haitians entered the state last year.
Besides the humanitarian visa, immigrants obtain documents allowing them to work in Brazil and some are sent to larger cities such as Porto Velho and Manaus, where there are more jobs.