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7,000 people are still in shelters in Manabi and Esmeraldas
Posted On 17 Oct 2016
7001 people, six months after the earthquake, are still living in 24 shelters in the provinces of Manabi and Esmeraldas; 58% less than the initial number.
The balance of six months results in figures like 3.7 million cubic meters of debris dislodged. Also 8,699 demolished buildings in Manabi, and other 1,000 that still have to be demolished, according to the Committee for Reconstruction and Productive Reactivation. And 658 overthrows were executed in Esmeraldas, where 152 buildings are left to be destroyed.
The house where Maria de Lourdes Cobena lived suffered roof and walls damages. She arrived at the former air terminal the night of April 16. She was a coordinator of a group of 16 families in a large tent, during the first three weeks, before they were given own tents. She lives there since then, with her 18-year-old daughter, in a 4 meters per 3.30 m space.
“It’s a bit uncomfortable and hot, but we are sure, above all, and protected by the support staff,” explains Cobena. The place has hosted 576 people, but it eventually hosted 1,300 people.
Carlos Bernal, Technical Secretary of the Committee for Reconstruction, considers that the population in shelters has rapidly been reduced thanks to the delivery of houses and rent, food and shelter coupons.
“The people in the shelters receives all kind of care, but we are always looking for a better quality of life for those affected.” USD 7.3 billion in coupons for housing, rent and food have been delivered to 40,150 families. “We started with 30 shelters, and today there are 24. We are close to close other four. We used to have 12,000 people in shelters; we have 7,000 now,” said Bernal.
Source: http://www.elcomercio.