77 Assembly members ask for resignation of Vice President María Alejandra Vicuña
The assembly members are aware that the departure of María Alejandra Vicuña from the office of the Vice President of the Republic would not be as fast as they demand, except if it accepts the exhortation approved on Thursday to resign.
Among the various political forces of the Legislature three scenarios are debated asa political response to the denunciation of collection of tithes that woul dinvolve Vicuña, and that would have been committed when she served as Assemblywoman for Alianza PAIS.
The first scenario emerged on Thursday with the approval of the resolution proposed by Fabricio Villamar (CREO), which “requires María Alejandra Vicuña to resign as vice president of the Republic for the facts that are in the public domain and that threaten the institutionality of the State “.
That,said Villamar, would be an act of delicacy with the Republic, to “save us the shame of having to take him to a political trial where, with the evidence supported, he will be dismissed ..”. The resolution was supported by 77 assembly members from the PSC, BIN, CREO, SUMA, IND and RC blocs.
Although Vice President Vicuña announced on Thursday that there are no circumstances or reasons to resign.
Con 77 votos, la @AsambleaEcuador exige a la vicepresidenta de la República, @marialevicuna , renuncie al cargo por los hechos que son de dominio público relacionados con el cobro de diezmos cuando ejerció el cargo de asambleísta de Alianza PAIS. @eluniversocom pic.twitter.com/MSO9eCZSSu
— Vicente Ordóñez P. (@vicenteopi) 30 de noviembre de 2018
Political judgment
The second scenario is the presentation of the request for impeachment as determined by Article 129 of the Constitution, whose cause would be the alleged crime of concussion, which does not prescribe.
Last night there were 58 signatures of the blocks of CREO, PSC, SUMA, BIN,independents and one of the Citizen Revolution that supported the trial,although its officialization is unknown.
The Alianza PAIS bench, according to César Litardo, will not sign the trial because, like the president of the Republic, Lenin Moreno, said that justice must do its job; that the issue is judicialized, but stressed that it is intended to judge Vicuña with just a notarized document.
The trial process involves the presentation of the necessary evidence to guaranteedue process; the Legislative Administrative Council (CAL), will have to approveit and then send the documentation to the Constitutional Court to issue an admissibility opinion; but at the moment this organism is in a forced vacancy,waiting for the appointment of the judges.
Judicial process
A third scenario is the judicial one. Here the National Assembly, at the time,would have to authorize a possible criminal prosecution against Vicuña, if the Prosecutor determines that there are enough elements to make charges and prosecute the vice president for the cause of collection of tithes.
In this case, it would take a few more weeks because, at the moment, the Public Ministry collects information through versions and requests for information from public and private institutions. (I)