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A building for the Leon Becerra Hospital This donation will serve to improve the health center’s infrastructure
Posted On 27 Feb 2016
Ricardo Koenig, president of the Meritorious Society for the Protection of Children (BSPI), an institution that governs the _ Leon Becerra Hospital_ today will receive the keys of the building donated by the Salazar-Gavilanes family.
This property, located in the south of the city, will serve to improve the infrastructure of the hospital. The building will be named ‘Jesus Elena Salazar,’_ in tribute to the deceased daughter of Rene Salazar, who has become a donor of this building along with his wife Pola Gavilanes.
In 2015, Salazar read an article in a local magazine about the work of the BSPI and contacted Koenig to carry out the donation. “It was always my desire to benefit the Guayaquil youth,” he said at a meeting Before carrying out the donation. (I)