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A judge confirms pre-trial detention against a person involved in the Odebrecht case
Posted On 20 Jul 2017
Judge Geovanny Freire confirmed the custody against the former president of the Bidding Commission of the National Water Secretariat (Senagua) Carlos Villamarín.
The defense of the respondent failed to submit new facts that help change the legal situation of Villamarín.
Yesterday, relatives and friends of the defendant, held a sit-in in the vicinity of the Guayas Prosecutor´s Office to demand his release.
The former official is charged with the crime of organized crime in an investigation into alleged corruption in the Odebrecht scandal. Also, he is part of the preliminary inquiry for the offense of illicit association with Ricardo Rivera, uncle of Vice President Jorge Glas and four other people. All them are accused of having received money from the Brazilian construction company Odebtecht to favor it with information or public contracts. (I)