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A poison that runs through the country
Posted On 10 Apr 2016
Pollution within the mining area extends to 17 rivers of 6 provinces. The products of these areas do not pass government inspection
There´s no minning in Guayaquil, but there´s mining pollution there. Although four large golfields belong to the southern extractive area: Portovelo, Zaruma, Piñas (El Oro) and Camilo Ponce Enríquez (Azuay), the intoxication of heavy metals flows unstoppable through at least 17 rivers in six provinces, according to water quality reports of the National Water Secretariat (Senagua).
The gold rush and its “bad practices have spread to the province of Esmeraldas,” says the Senagua. But also to Zamora Chinchipe and Napo. And with the spread of mining, which keeps the illegal and indiscriminate use of mercury, pollution has traveled all through the country (I).