A Public Company is ready to capture the winter harvest of rice
The National Storage Unit (A Public Company) purchased, since October 2017, about 300,000 quintals of paddy rice, representing $ 6 million. Paulo Proaño, general manager of the public company, assured that they are able to capture the proportional of the corresponding winter harvest.
He also asked farmers for peace of mind, since they have the necessary income. This is after the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) undertook to pay part of the debt of about $ 27 million that it maintains with the A Public Company.
In previous statements, the Minister of Agriculture, Rubén Flores, indicated that $ 15 million will be canceled corresponding to the purchase of urea for eight years. To this is added the export to Colombia of 130 tons of rice, which is part of the 6,000 tons, which were purchased from small producers.
The MAG facilitated the commercial transaction between private companies of both countries. “The mobilization of this first cargo was made by land. An upcoming export will be made via sea transport,” said the Minister. He added that the export of the grass was made in coordination with the National Storage Unit and the Ministry of Foreign Trade. The MAG reported that the sale of rice to Colombia started with 42,000 tons of husked grain to the private industry at the value of $ 35.55 the 200-pound take-out, above the minimum support price ($ 35.50).
Proaño commented that the payment time to farmers will be between 7 and 15 days. Despite this, some rice farmers said that the situation in the sector does not change. Gledin Dumes, farmer from Daule, said that tomorrow they expect to radicalize the protests with the closure of roads.
“We are a few days away from the harvest and we see that there is no firm solution.” In this regard, the governor of Guayas, José Cevallos, said that they will not allow more road closures and that they are “open to dialogue.” (I)
Source: https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/economia/4/unaep-cosecha-invernal-arroz