Alexis Mera thinks that Chevron sent the mails to legislator
The legal Secretary of the Presidency, Alexis Mera, attributed, yesterday, to Chevron the ‘hacking’ of the accounts of President Rafael Correa and several senior officials, information that would have been found allegedly on the computers of Assembly member Clever Jiménez (PK) and his Adviser, Fernando Villavicencio, after the raids carried out on their homes and offices, on December 27.
Mera, mentions that after Chevron supposedly ‘hacked’ the mails of the President and the Attorney Diego García, and that a Court of EE.UU. denied the dissemination of them by the oil company, coincidently appeared Jimenez with the same speech.
However, he said: “I have no objection of the emails are disclosed (by the prosecution) , which were simply strategic conversations”. He also announced, that when he has the information from the computers, “with or without evidence, a lawsuit will be filed for disclosure of confidential information”.
Last November, the Prosecutor Galo Chiriboga said that “it can be seen that these people has access to the emails of the President and Vice President, (and) apparently, are linked to the interests of Chevron”.
Assembly member Jimenez replied that the accusations against him are false and that he has no contact with Chevron. He denied that he was responsible for the ‘hacking’ and pointed out that the emails were delivered by a third party. “Although we have information in computers on acts of corruption, it doesn’t mean that we have revealed it”.