Argentina Reelected President Cristina Fernandez
On Sunday, President of Argentina Cristina Fernández was reelected with more than 53% of the votes, she was ahead of her competitors all over the country except in the small province of San Luis. In addition, the president got 36 points ahead of Hermes Binner, the runner-up with 16.9%.
Around 28.8 million people were eligible to vote in the elections, where not only president and vice president were elected but also nine provincial governors, 130 deputies and 24 senators. About 76% of the electoral votes came on a day that went quite normally.
The big losers of the elections were: the Radical candidate, Ricardo Alfonsín, with 13.21% of the votes, dissident Peronist governor of San Luis, Alberto Rodriguez Saa, with 7.33%. Eduardo Duhalde, former President (2002-2003) and former governor of Buenos Aires, with 5.6% of the votes. The leftist candidate Jorge Altamira, with 2.12% and Elisa Carrio, from Coalición Cívica Party, was the big loser of the day, achieving only 1.66% of the votes.
Fernandez becomes the most popular president in the history of democracy in Argentina since Juan Peron in 1973.