Argentine Government officials deny corruption charges

Lázaro Báez
The Argentine government rejected the accusations on alleged corrupt practices in the circle of power reported by Miriam Quiroga, former secretary of the late President Nestor Kirchner.
After participating in the program hosted by Jorge Lanata, “Periodismo para Todos”, Quiroga was summoned to testify this morning, behind closed doors, before a judge in Buenos Aires. However, it was not confirmed if she ratified or not her statements made on televisión.
Businessman Lázaro Báez, close to the Kirchner family, attended this morning to the prosecutor of Rio Gallegos to ratify his innocence and reject the charges that relates him to the tax evasion of millions of dollars to Uruguay to be transfered to Swiss banks.
Government leaders and senior officials have broken the silence that they have been kept for the last few weeks and rejected the accusations. President Cristina Fernandez has not given any declarations keeping herself away from this scandal
The newspaper La Nacion published a list of images of the luxurious properties of the officials who were showed during the journalism program.