Assembly dismisses Jimenez by resolution of the CAL
Assemblyman Cléver Jiménez (PK) was divested of his duties by a resolution of the Legislative Administration Cou
The Member of CAL and Alianza País, Virgilio Hernández, said that the administrative act was given `by doubts´ that were in the Assembly regarding the non-presence of Jimenez.
This, despite the fact that in earlier days, Jimenez was still called for attendance list at the Assembly.
Hernandez added that the resolution of the CAL had to be applied from when the recall notice arrived on March 21, thus, if he had acted in his capacity of Assemblyman, his participations “would obviously be null.”
Meanwhile, Gualán ignored the resolution of the CAL and stated that there will be a meeting of the movement to define actions. `Clever Jimenez is still an Assemblyman. The CAL does not have any power over the 137 Assembly members, the issue must be debated in the plenary of the Assembly, ´ he said.