Bankers reject the government setting their salaries
The Executive power aims to establish the salary of managers of banks, according to the Redistribution of Social Spending law project.
The project aims to limit the salaries of administrators and legal representatives of financial institutions, which are under the control of the Banking Board.
Pedro Solines, Superintendent of Banks and Insurance, does not rule out the basis for establishing wages to fit the presidential order, which states that no public official may receive more than the President.
To this extent, the banking sector responds in rejection since they are not public companies.
Eduardo Carmigniani, legal adviser to the Association of Private Banks, said the state does not have to regulate the salaries of those working in private companies, “How can the state attribute that provision?, Will the Banking Board become the Human Resources department of the financial system? ,” he asked.
While the ruling assemblyman and Chairman of the Tax Commission, Francisco Velasco, says the goal is to be “fair“. (MZ)