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Brazilian Scientists Discover Underground River beneath the Amazon River
Posted On 25 Aug 2011
A group of Brazilian scientists discovered an underground river of about 4000 meters depth that accompanies the flow of the Amazon River.This river, which has been named Hamza, has at least 6000 kilometers of lenght, it is located in the Amazon region that flows into the Atlantic Ocean and was discovered based on temperature data from 241 deep wells in the region did Petrobras, in search of oil and gas reserves in the Amazon.
According to scientists, the Hamza river flows into deeper parts of the sea, where Amazon region ends. The speed of the water of the Amazon River varies from 0.1 to 2 meters per second, depending on water conditions of the site, while for Hamza, the flow is between 10 and 100 meters per year.
The discovery of Hamza River, which is named in tribute to one Indian researcher, living in Brazil since 1974, was presented at the 12th. International Congress of Brazilian Geophysical Society, in Rio de Janeiro.
Source: AFP