Bunay Pressed the Middle People of COFIEC
Marcelo Ordonez, former Finance manager of COFIEC bank, was the one who approved the transfer of the $ 800,000 credit to the foreign accounts of the Argentinean Gaston Duzac, under the order of Antonio Bunay, former president of the company.
Meanwhile Patricia Sandoval, former Credit manager, revealed that Bunay pressed her to make a favourable report about the loan, or she would be fired.
Ordonez informed that the same day the credit was made on December 21 of 2011, Francisco Endara, former secretary of the Trust AGD-CFN, arrived during the afternoon to talk with the personnel and requested “the backup of the credit transfers about Duzac’s credit” and asked, “why weren’t the dispositions carried out.”
Ordonez and Sandoval along with other members of the operative areas of COFIEC, presented themselves before members of the Prosecutor Commission of the Assembly. Meanwhile Bunay asked three workdays to prepare the information before presenting himself. AV