Citizens use networks to communicate with the candidates
Thanks to the Internet, electors can express their concerns publicly, especially when candidates open free discussion spaces on their websites.
Alberto Costa for example, candidate for the Unidad Plurinacional de las Izquierdas (MPD-Pachakutik), received the following comment from CompartirGanancias. “We need you to legalize moto-taxis in Ecuador. We are about 9.000 families living from that business.”
Each candidate receives different kind of suggestions or commentaries. Pastor Nelson Zavala, Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano (PRE), got a comment about the “harmony and peace within the families” program. @HaranValer told him to include all kind of families; “the various types of families: Mom+Mom=family, Dad+Dad=family, Dad+Mom=family, Mom+son=family.”
Rafael Correa receives more suggestions than every other candidate, due to his current position seeking for reelection.