City halls shall assume transit jurisdiction until December
The director of the National Transit Agency (ANT for its Spanish acronym), Héctor Solórzano, yesterday announced that from November 78 city halls will join the more than 109 municipalties that already have the transit jurisdiction. The rest of the 221 city halls in the country shall be assumed until December.
This transfer of powers is established in the Organic Code of Land Management and Decentralization.
About Guayaquil, he said that the city has pending the traffic control with civilian agents. This task, he said, should be assumed by the city hall until January 2015.
On the proposal of a referendum to decide the bus fares, he indicated that “is not part of the Agency to define the mechanism to solve the problem, what is clear is that it is the duty of the city hall to take this competition. It is absolutely their obligation, that they are thinking in measures to assume it in a correct way. I want you to remember that in 2007, when the Metro was incorporated, a rate of $ 0.25 was established and at any time a query was performed,” the authority said.