Clever Jimenez will tell his version against Pedro Delgado

Clever Jimenez
Assemblyman of Pachakutik Clever Jimenez presented his denounce in the case against Pedro Delgado. In a recent statement the legislator asked that an investigation must be made to the seizure of the company Petromanabi and Cayman. It also requests that the Prosecutor must consider the testimony given by Delgado in Miami, United States.
It is important to note that the former official, despite being out of the country, was called back to give his statement to the Attorney General. The citation is for 14:45, January 16. That same day the Jimenez’s will give statement to the prosecutor, but at 16:30.
This research opened another three records for complaints made by Jimenez, including an investigation for alleged illegal purchase of dollars, also an alleged purchase of his home in Ecuador, in 1999. The prosecution also focused its inquiries in the $ 200,000 loan to purchase the house of Delgado in Miami, which was omitted from his declaration of assets.