CNE´s refusal to referendu
The leader of the Unity, Change and Progress movement, activist Fernando Balda, submitted today a clarification appeal with regard to Resolution PLE-CNE-11-8-5- 2017, issued by the plenary of that body last Monday.
With this resolution, the CNE (National Electoral Council for its Spanish acronym) rejected the request of the movement led by Balda and activist Juan Machuca.In April they requested the forms to collect signatures, which according to the Constitution must be 12% of the electorate, to call a referendum and decide the installation of a Constituent Assembly.
Balda analyzed the arguments of the CNE and explained in a statement that according to the provisions the Constitutional Court should pronounce first. “That’s an incorrect interpretation. To understand the error it is necessary to review the meaning of each of the provisions invoked,” said Balda, who assured that this refusal by the CNE is a “clear sign to impeding democratic processes.”(I).