Cocoa is a national heritage
Ecuador is a major cocoa producer; and today is internationally recognized as the country that provides 60% of the world’s fine or flavor cocoa supply, due to its unique flavor and aroma attributes. Around 105,000 families make this activity the basis of their economy.
The Ministry of Culture and Heritage will incorporate the “Uses and traditional knowledge associated with the production of fine or flavor cocoa” in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ecuador, as a symbolic recognition addressed mainly to the holders of these pearls of wisdom, translated into the practices, social and cultural uses of several Ecuadorian populations that have made of cocoa production their way of life. This makes them the guardians of these manifestations.
The event will be held tomorrow, at 16:00, in the auditorium of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Vinces and will be attended by the Minister of Culture and Heritage Andres Arauz (I).