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Companies offering private health insurance analyze a price adjustment
Posted On 07 Oct 2016
Businesses that provide health care insurance policies discuss rate changes before the immediate adoption of the Prepaid Medicine Act.
Yesterday, the Health Commission acquiesced to the presidential veto sent by the government in early September. Only a final approval at the plenary session of the Assembly is needed.
Among the changes proposed by the president, the controversial point is the proposal that requires companies in this segment to reimburse the IESS and the Ministry of Public Health when private insurance affiliates are assisted by the public health network.
For example, if a person has a private insurance that covers him up to $ 5000 and opt for a IESS hospital to undergo a surgery that costs 15 thousand, the prepaid medicine company shall reimburse the Social Security 5 000 of the policy minus the value of the deductible. William Garzon, president of the Health Committee, defended the proposal yesterday.
The legislator said that this should be considered a “responsibility” of private companies with the affiliate who pays a monthly plan. “The firm has an obligation to cover all their needs.” For Roberto Aspiazu, director of the Ecuadorian Business Committee and spokesman for these companies, the consequence of the law is a price increase in policies paid by the policyholders.
Source: http://www.elcomercio.