Control to cars without registration intensifies
He was driving down the Bombero Avenue heading to Mapasingue to deliver some furniture. Around 11:00 yesterday, an agent of the Municipal Transit Authority (ATM for its Spanish acronym) stopped him in front of Riocentro Los Ceibos and asked him to show the 2015 registration. As Angel Quishpe did not have the document, by failing to pay the registration fee within the scheduled period, his vehicle was retained.
“There is no way, I did not have money (to pay the registration fee), now I will have tp pay the fine and the fee, this is more than $ 120,” lamented Quishpe while his car entered to the courtyards of the ATM in the same area where the operation was carried out.
Quishpe´s car was one of 33 retained by agents during the first operation of registration executed within the city. These operations started weeks ago in the Chongon tollbooth and on the outskirts of the Daule highway.