Controversy over the EU award for Nobel Peace

This year the Nobel Committee awarded the Peace Prize to the European Union (EU) for its “successful efforts” in the struggle for peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights on the continent.
However, this decision was the subject of controversy for several benchmark organizations in Norway, including the prestigious Institute for Peace Research (PRIO), whose director, Kristian Berg Harpviken, said he was surprised by choosing an institution is undergoing a “deep crisis.” He also announced that this year will participate in the traditional torchlight procession on December 10th, the day when the prize is awarded.
“We know that economic crises have great potential for conflict, and we have seen violent protests in many countries in recent times,” said
The director, Hedda Langemyr stated that “this is a political prize, not a peace prize” while organizations opposed the entry of Norway into the EU pointed to rearmament policies announced by the Union to question the appropriateness of their choice.