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Correa: “It saddens me greatly that soldiers have to receive training”
Posted On 14 Sep 2016
President Rafael Correa regrets the decision of Judge Karen Matamoros. Not the part that orders the recognition of his position as the highest authority of the Armed Forces, but the part that compels all members of the military institution to train on respect for the Constitution.
“Unfortunately because of the retired officers and some on active duty, most of the great soldiers and officers we have will have to pay … That’s bad news for the whole country,” said the head of state in the context of the discussion table held yesterday with media in Guayaquil.
The court decision is the result of a protective action filed by the president against the decision of a disciplinary board of the Navy that decided not to sanction lieutenant Juan Peñafiel, caused of answering an email sent by Correa in a disrespectful way.
The president blamed a sector of the Navy for the impasse and, specifically, an admiral (whose name was not mentioned) who, ordered not to punish Peñafiel and other officers who responded the email with similar terms. “(The admiral) has been identified, and in the coming days he will be processed.”
Correa stated he hopes that this problem ends soon and that the armed forces “do not try again turning to circumvent the rule of law, the Constitution and the president.”