Correa said Ecuadorian press was involved in 30-S
Yesterday, during an interview with reporters in Montevideo, Uruguay, President Rafael Correa said that the Ecuadorian press was an “instrument” of political groups seeking the overthrow of the government in the police revolt of the last September 30th (30-S).
According to Correa, the alleged involvement of the press was expressed that only bad things were published on the Public Service Act which created the reaction of the police.
“(…) they only published bad things. They lied. They were an instrument. At their back there were political groups that had hoped to topple the government. But we did not fall, but rather strengthened. (…) Clearly there was an attempt to destabilize the government, and when that did not work they tried to kill the president,” said Correa to Uruguayan reporters.
Correa said the newspaper industry (media corrupt) is the biggest opponent of the regime at this time, trying to destabilize “every day” in a systematic campaign to destroy his reputation and the government.