Correa says that those who question his apartment in Belgium are “narrow-souled”
President Rafael Correa, made an appearance in the TV show ‘Palabra Suelta,’ broadcast by Ecuador Tv and hosted by Xavier Lasso. In this context, they discussed issues of national policy, the earthquake, the economy but especially the human side of the president.
In that sense, Correa mentioned the need to maintain capitals in the country and criticized those who have taken their money to tax havens. In that sense, he has called “narrow-souled” those who question the fact that he has bought an apartment in Belgium, as he says it is a property of only 60 square meters, under the context of his binational family, as his wife and his children are also Belgian.
On the earthquake, Correa has defended the need to end with the “little funds,” as the fund that existed before the “correism” for emergencies. The president said that the new financial architecture has achieved major works and that these “little funds” were not enough to cope with an earthquake like the one that occurred last April 16.